Get Permission Ahirwar: A comprehensive guide to alleviating chronic pain through weight reduction and holistic exercise practices


Chronic pain is a complex ailment, manifesting as persistent discomfort that extends beyond the normal recovery period. It drastically influences the physical, emotional, and social aspects of an individual's life, diminishing their overall life quality. A significant segment of the US population grapples with chronic pain; it is estimated that roughly 20% of American adults, or approximately 67 million people, are affected, as per data from the National Institutes of Health (NIH).1 This pervasive issue can originate from numerous causes, presenting in various ways, and its effects on individuals can be considerably diverse. The repercussions of chronic pain encompass physical, psychological, and emotional dimensions, severely constraining daily activities and life satisfaction.2, 3 Traditionally, the management of chronic pain has largely been centered around pharmacological treatments and invasive techniques.4 Although medications are a frequent recourse for alleviating chronic pain, their utility might be restrained due to the adverse effects experienced over extended use.5 Therefore, there is an increasing emphasis on investigating alternative avenues like weight loss and physical activity as supplementary means for mitigating chronic pain. Weight management assists in lessening pressure on the joints and muscular structures, thereby potentially minimizing pain.6, 7 Concurrently, engaging in regular physical activity fortifies the body and triggers the release of endorphins - the body's innate pain relievers - enhancing overall wellness.8 Yet, recognizing the constraints and possible drawbacks of these approaches, scholars and healthcare practitioners are actively seeking other potential strategies. This document scrutinizes the scientific underpinning of adopting exercise and weight management as non-drug interventions in chronic pain management, shedding light on their prospective role in offering a more holistic approach to pain relief.

Materials and Methods

This analytical review thoroughly assesses the existing literature pertaining to the efficacy of weight reduction and physical activity in the management of chronic pain. The primary source of information was the PubMed database, where an extensive search strategy utilizing pertinent keywords was implemented. The inclusion criteria predetermined that studies published up until 2021 would be considered. The initial selection of pertinent studies was executed through a scrutiny of titles and abstracts, succeeded by an in-depth analysis of the complete articles. The process of data extraction was centred on aspects such as the structure of the study, characteristics of participants, specifics of the interventions, metrics of outcomes, and pivotal discoveries. The consistency and precision in the evaluation process were maintained by involving multiple reviewers. To assess the quality and identify potential biases within the studies, established tools like the Cochrane Collaboration's Risk of Bias instrument were employed. The synthesis of the data culminated in the identification of recurrent themes across the selected studies. The segment encompassing results and discussion encapsulates the principal observations, addressing the central research query while also delineating implications for healthcare practitioners and avenues for forthcoming research.


Physiological mechanisms

Neural Adaptability and Pain Regulation- Exercise is documented to stimulate alterations in the central nervous system's neuroplasticity, thereby influencing the manner in which pain is perceived. Engaging in consistent physical exercise amplifies the secretion of native opioids like endorphins, and it triggers the activation of suppressive neural pathways, which in turn lessen pain susceptibility and heighten tolerance to pain.1, 2, 3 These biological transformations hold substantial significance as they modify the body's reaction to pain-inducing stimuli, possibly diminishing the intensity and recurrence of episodes related to chronic pain.

Inflammation Regulation- Chronic pain frequently correlates with inherent inflammation. Studies indicate that exercise can facilitate anti-inflammatory responses, principally through the secretion of myokines, which are cytokines originated from skeletal muscles. These myokines engage in both localized and broad anti-inflammatory reactions, diminishing pain and enhancing general health.2, 3 Specifically for individuals grappling with chronic pain syndromes linked to inflammation - like arthritis or fibromyalgia - the inflammation-controlling attributes of physical activity can offer substantial benefits.6

Weight Reduction and Alleviation of Pain- Surplus body mass exerts extra pressure on joints and soft tissues, intensifying pain symptoms. Shedding excess weight mitigates the physical strain on joints that bear weight, thus lessening pain and fostering better functionality. Moreover, adipose tissue has a propensity to secrete pro-inflammatory cytokines, which can perpetuate chronic pain. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Through weight reduction, individuals can alleviate the mechanical tension on their joints and possibly diminish the concentration of pro-inflammatory cytokines present in their system, culminating in a notable decrease in pain intensity.

Advantages of Exercise and Weight Reduction in Managing Chronic Pain

Musculoskeletal Disorders- Exercise has been noted to confer considerable advantages for individuals suffering from musculoskeletal disorders such as osteoarthritis, lower back pain, and fibromyalgia. Engaging in strength-building exercises can augment joint stability and alleviate pain by lessening the undue burden on impacted regions. Moreover, aerobic workouts boost cardiovascular health, which in turn diminishes the likelihood of associated health issues while improving comprehensive physical functioning.4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 In a subsidiary examination involving 2889 participants, it was observed that a rigorous regimen of exercise and weight reduction decreased the propensity for knee pain in individuals at higher risk; specifically, 15% of the subjects in the intervention group exhibited a lower likelihood of experiencing knee pain compared to the control group over a span of one year.8 In a parallel study conducted by Foy and colleagues, it was deduced that weight reduction significantly fostered better physical health and enhanced pain management among the participants undergoing the intervention.8

Neurogenic Pain- Although exercise doesn't directly address the mechanisms underlying neuropathic pain, it can confer indirect advantages. Engaging in physical activities enhances cardiovascular well-being, uplifts mood, and curtails the potential of co-existing conditions such as depression, which are frequently linked with neurogenic pain. 7, 8, 9, 10 Several studies have highlighted a positive correlation between weight reduction and amelioration in neuropathic pain symptoms. For instance, a study led by Callaghan and his team encompassing 131 obese individuals investigated the relationship between weight reduction and neuropathic pain, indicating that a diet-induced weight loss had a mild positive effect on polyneuropathic discomfort.10 Earlier, Callaghan and his associates had pointed out a prevalent occurrence of polyneuropathy among the obese population, underlining the pivotal roles of prediabetes and obesity as metabolic contributors to the development of polyneuropathy. 10

Psychological wellness- Chronic pain frequently culminates in psychological turmoil, manifesting as anxiety and depression. Physical activity has been proven to augment mental health by escalating the release of endorphins, fostering neurogenesis, and boosting self-esteem. These positive psychological effects form a vital facet of a comprehensive approach to pain management.10, 11, 12, 13 In an investigation evaluating the repercussions of a clinical weight loss regimen on the health-related quality of life among individuals with overweight and obesity, the scholars documented remarkable enhancements in several domains. Subsequent to the half-year intervention, the participants exhibited favourable transformations in both physical and mental composite indices, including advancements in physical functionality, overall health perception, vitality, and mental health components.11, 12, 13 Numerous other studies have echoed similar encouraging results concerning weight reduction and its influence on psychological wellness. For instance, research undertaken by Harding and team in rural Australia scrutinized the correlation between weight outcomes in patients and functional status against the quality-of-life metrics over a span of six months. The study delineated a notable elevation in the quality of life indicators during this period.12, 13

Suggestions and Protocols

Exercise Recommendations and Weight Reduction Approaches- To address patients' unique needs and constraints, customized exercise plans should be devised. Incorporating a mix of aerobic, strength-building, and flexibility training is advisable. Adhering to the Frequency, Intensity, Time, and Type (FITT) principle, where exercise routines are escalated gradually while observing pain responses, is vital. It's essential to instruct patients on proper techniques, pacing themselves, and recognizing the significance of consistent physical activities1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 Refer to Figure 1.

Figure 1

Energy balance inexercise

In the case of patients who are overweight or obese, integrating weight loss into the comprehensive plan for managing pain is necessary. Utilizing a team approach that encompasses alterations in diet, behavioral changes, and consistent exercise is fundamental for achieving enduring weight loss. Formulating attainable objectives, coupled with continuous encouragement and supervision, is vital for triumphant outcomes. 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16 Numerous individuals aspire to shed weight as a means to enhance their overall health and quality of life. Yet, sustaining weight loss presents a formidable challenge, prompting the proposition of various tactics to facilitate this pursuit. A synergistic application of several strategies is suggested, which include:

  1. Caloric Management: Establishing a calorie deficit forms the core of weight loss strategies. A multitude of controlled trials have validated the effectiveness of managing calorie intake for successful weight reduction. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 These research findings advocate for a modest caloric deficit, generally between 500 to 1000 calories daily, to foster a safe and lasting pace of weight loss. 15, 16, 17, 18 Achieving this deficit is possible through regulated portion sizes, conscious eating habits, and incorporating nutrient-rich foods with lower calorie content in the diet. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20

  2. Nutritional Configuration: The diet's composition is a pivotal element in the weight loss process. Various studies have contrasted different dietary patterns, including low-carb, low-fat, and Mediterranean diets, evaluating their efficacy in fostering weight loss. For instance, a study that juxtaposed low-fat and low-carb diets indicated comparable outcomes in weight reduction between the two methods. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20 Another experiment affirmed that a Mediterranean diet, abundant in fruits, veggies, grains, and healthful fats, facilitated substantial weight loss when compared to a low-fat diet.18 Consequently, individuals have the liberty to opt for a diet that not only aligns with their preferences but can also be sustained over time.

  3. Physical Engagement: Infusing regular physical activities into a weight loss plan is imperative. Numerous controlled trials substantiate that the amalgamation of exercise and dietary changes result in greater weight loss compared to sole reliance on diet.19, 20, 21, 22, 23 Activities like aerobic exercises and resistance training have been proven to foster weight loss and enhance physical composition19, 20, 21, 22, 23. It's recommended to partake in a minimum of 150 minutes of medium-intensity aerobic exercises or 75 minutes of high-intensity aerobic exercises weekly, supplemented with a minimum of two sessions of strength training.20, 21, 22, 23

  4. Behavioral Alterations: Modifying eating and lifestyle behaviors is instrumental in achieving weight loss. Controlled studies demonstrate that behavioral strategies such as cognitive-behavioral therapy, self-monitoring, and goal formulation significantly enhance the likelihood of weight loss success.21, 22, 23, 24, 25 These strategies assist individuals in cultivating lasting habits, amplifying self-perception, and adhering to dietary and physical activity guidelines more rigorously. 21, 22, 23, 24

  5. Community Support: Acknowledging the significance of social support in weight loss endeavors is vital. Numerous controlled trials reveal that incorporating social components, like group initiatives or involving acquaintances and family, amplifies the success rates of weight loss efforts.23, 26 Social support networks foster motivation, ensure accountability, and offer encouragement, rendering the weight loss journey more sustainable and pleasurable.25, 27, 28


Exercise and weight reduction have established themselves as potent tools in the management of chronic pain. The fundamental physiological processes facilitated by these strategies, such as neural reorganization, modulation of inflammatory responses, and decreasing mechanical strain, attest to their efficacy. Their advantages transcend mere alleviation of pain, fostering enhanced bodily functions, mental wellness, and an uplifted overall quality of life. Incorporating these elements into an extensive plan for managing chronic pain presents a balanced and enduring solution for individuals grappling with persistent pain.

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Received : 05-08-2023

Accepted : 15-09-2023

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