Author Details :
Volume : 1, Issue : 1, Year : 2014
Article Page : 30-35
The school age population forms one fifth of the India’ population, the future segment of the country. Malnutrition is still highly prevalent in developing countries. School children may also be at high nutritional risk, not only under-five children. However, their nutritional status is poorly documented, particularly in urban areas. The paucity of information hinders the development of relevant nutrition programs for schoolchildren. Therefore it is important to monitor and assess the nutritional and health status of this group and fortunately this group is easily accessible for nutrition monitoring and evaluation.
Research Question: - What is the mean nutritional status of school going children
Objective: 1.To assesses the magnitude of malnutrition in primary school children using anthropometry 2.To determine adequacy of dietary intake of school children
Study design: Cross-sectional survey.
Setting: Government primary schools in urban area of Varanasi
Participants: Primary school children.
Statistical Analysis: Percentage and proportion.
Results: Out of 100 surveyed children, more than half were girls and 46% were male. The study shows that 72 % children belonged to nuclear family and rest was joint family. Majority of the children mother’s were educated up to 5th class level (36%).Study revealed that 13% children ate only one meal per day, while more than two third children ate more than one time,17% children did not take milk at all. In our study more than 2/3 rd children were found to be malnourished. Increasing trend of Mild and moderate malnutrition with increasing age was observed in both age groups, 6-7 year and7-8 year respectively. While decreasing trend of severe grade malnutrition was found in my study. Over all severe malnutrition was found to be(19%). Severe stunting did not find in age group 6-7 year children. Protein consumption in all age group was less than RDA, although it was not remarkable increase with the increasing age from 6 years to 12 years. In the age group of 8-9 years it was just 50% of the RDA and after that comparatively decreases with age in relation to RDA. The trend shows slightly higher consumption of protein in female 20.36gm./d (mean) than male 18.87gm/d (mean). .Fat intake was almost equal in all age groups Carbohydrates content in the diet of the school going children was less than the requirement in all age groups
Key words: Caste, religion, socio-economic status, education status, weight, height etc.
How to cite : Singh P, Mohapatra S, Shankar H, Nutritional Status of School Children in Urban Area of Varanasi, UP, India. J Community Health Manag 2014;1(1):30-35
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