Original Article
Author Details :
Volume : 4, Issue : 2, Year : 2017
Article Page : 50-52
Introduction: Thyroid peroxidase (TPO) is a membrane-bound glycosylated hemoprotein that has a key role in the biosynthesis of thyroid hormones by organification. Ferritin is an iron storage protein found in almost all of the body tissues. Serum ferritin levels also have been reported to be altered in patients with thyroid disease.
Objective: The aim of this study is to establish a correlation between serum ferritin and thyroid hormones in thyroid disorder patients.
Materials and Method: was a cross sectional study of 80 subjects, visiting medical outpatient department of SGT Medical College and Hospital, Budhera, Gurugram, Haryana. Patients were subjected to ultrasound. Radiologically proven Thyroid disorder patients sample were analysed for the measurement of T3, T4, TSH (by CLIA) and Serum Ferritin (by ELISA).
Results: The mean T3, T4, TSH and serum ferritin levels showed highly sigĀnificant difference with p<0.001 in hypothyroid group compared to controls.
Conclusion: Low serum ferritin levels are associated with hypothyroidism. The estimation of iron storage protein ferritin may help in understanding the pathiphysiology, diagnosis and treatment of thyroid disorders.
Keywords: Serum Ferritin, Thyroid Profile, Hypothyroidism
How to cite : Sarin M, Arora P, Mohapatra S, Association between Serum Ferritin and Thyroid profile in Radiologically proven patients with Goitre with Thyroiditis. J Community Health Manag 2017;4(2):50-52
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