Author Details :
Volume : 3, Issue : , Year : 2016
Article Page : 55-58
Background: Mass media plays a significant role in strenghring the rural resources of the individual as well as the whole society and motivating the families for the adoption of new technologies. Mass media like Television, News paper, Radio, Magazines are playing a key role in information dissemination to rural population of the community. It may be more effective if the centers of information sources, their availability and utilization pattern is known to media planners. Taking this drawback, the present study was conducted with the objective to know the utilization pattern of information sources among the families residing the rural areas of Kacchehriya village of Varanasi district. Most of the village populations were engaged in vegetable production. Total agriculture land was approximately100 acre of the village with population of nearly three thousand.
Key words: Media, Mass media, Entertainment, New papers
How to cite : Tripathi S, Singh T, Gautam K, Bishnoi I, Media utilization pattern among rural families residing in Varanasi district of eastern U.P. J Community Health Manag 2016;3():55-58
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