Review Article
Author Details :
Volume : 8, Issue : 1, Year : 2021
Article Page : 6-11
There are about 1.2 billion smokers worldwide of which estimated about 4 million died every year. Tobacco consumption is a common habitual concern in India; in two major Forms such as Smoking and Chewing tobaccos. Smoking includes Cigarette, Bidi Hukkah and other forms of consumption while Chewing tobaccos include Khaini, Gutka, Mawa, Dukta, Snuff, Gudakhu and other forms. The cancer reported by Chewing forms of Tobaccos are known as CIT (Chewable Indian Tobacco) Cancers. The CIT cancers more seen in India and adjacent countries like Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka etc, than western part of the globe. It has been calculated that 26 grams of CIT for 20 years will produce oral cancer in genetically coded people. It is a major problem in Oncology, Oral medicine as well as Public Health. Although tobacco smoking has reduced in the recent past in India, tobacco consumption / smoking is leading preventable cause of death due to cancer in males. Cigarette smoking also complicates morbidities related pulmonary conditions like Asthma, COPD, Cancer and COVID etc. A dynamic comprehensive approach is required for breaking the habit of tobacco consumption in any form. Various studies conducted in the past proposed that intensive tobacco cessation interventions involving behavioural support plays an important role in the treatment of addiction / deaddiction. Public health professionals can play an important role in creating
awareness among people regarding the ill effects of tobacco through different community communication technologies. It is important that government has passed trading restrictions in order to curb the tobacco consumption through primordial prevention method. Advertisement and promotion of tobacco products are also banned throughout the country, though it continues in one form or other. Many NGO as well as Government sectors have taken initiatives at central and state level to establish tobacco cessation clinics (TCCs) in fewer instances. Behaviour Change in Tobaccoreplacement therapy, Smoking.
Keywords: Behaviour Change in Tobacco, Nicotine replacement therapy, Smoking.
How to cite : Pandey R K, Josh J , Mohapatra S C , Effect of tobacco consumption – A review. J Community Health Manag 2021;8(1):6-11
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Received : 28-02-2021
Accepted : 01-03-2021
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