Case Report
Author Details :
Volume : 6, Issue : 4, Year : 2019
Article Page : 139-146
Introduction: Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) system based on ancient yogic practices, is an integrated approach known from experience to heal diverse human diseases and sicknesses holistically. This case study presents the outcomes of vision improvements of participants through Yoga Prana Vidya (YPV) healing techniques by conducting a two-week eye healing camp at Bangarpet, Karnataka.
Materials and Methods: This is a case study method going into details of how the YPV eye camp was conducted. The YPV team collaborated with eye doctors of the local Government hospitals who screened and helped to identify a sample of 27eye patients. YPV healers performed healing daily on each patient. In addition, the patients were trained to practice some YPV techniques on daily basis. Patient feedback reports were also taken at the end of the intervention.
Results: After receiving healing, vision improved for 23 participants from 80% to 100% within 5 to 10 days of healing. Seven of them could read without spectacles. However, for one patient cylindrical and spherical values were found to be higher than at intake, which needed further investigations. Three participants could not participate fully in the camp and discontinued for personal reasons.
Conclusion: It is observed that the YPV process caused other positive effects also besides improvements in vision for most of them, indicating the holistic nature of YPV healing. Participants who regularly attended forgiveness prayer and breathing exercises had better results. A participant who had been suffering from insomnia reported getting quality deep sleep.
Keywords: Eye disorders, Vision impairments, Optometric measurements, Yoga Prana Vidya Healing.
How to cite : Nanduri V S, Chaitra N, How the participants of a Yoga Prana Vidya YPV) eye camp experienced vision improvements: A case study. J Community Health Manag 2019;6(4):139-146
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